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It Started with a Kiss: A Pride and Prejudice Variation, by Beth Wood
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When Darcy finds Elizabeth touring the park around Pemberley, he assumes he is in the grips of his dreams and acts accordingly. He is incredibly surprised to discover that the woman he has taken in his arms is not only very real, but also kissing him back.
This lighthearted variation explores how things might have progressed differently had Mr. Darcy left Elizabeth Bennet with no doubt concerning his continued affection upon finding her touring his beloved Pemberley.
Now including a sample chapter of "A Conversation Behind the Tapestries."
- Sales Rank: #136699 in eBooks
- Published on: 2015-10-01
- Released on: 2015-10-01
- Format: Kindle eBook
Most helpful customer reviews
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
If dreams could come true...
By S. L. Majczan
3.5 stars
OK, we have another compromise situation. But in this case it is not because Mrs. Bennet walked in on them while Darcy was whispering in Elizabeth's ear. Nor is it a situation where Mr. Bennet has died and Darcy offers to provide for the family financially IF Elizabeth will agree to marry him. Furthermore it is not one in which Darcy offers for Elizabeth to cover up Georgiana's actions at Ramsgate.
This is a situation in which Darcy CANNOT get Elizabeth out of his head nor his dreams after she has refused him at Hunsford. And he allows his dreams to be played out as he returns to Pemberley and once again daydreams of his wife, Elizabeth, greeting him with open affection. He has to reward her with a kiss... and she returns his kiss...BUT then she calls him, "Mr. Darcy." He wakes up! Dreams don't have an unknown couple and Pemberley servants witnessing their affection with startled looks. Yes, they must marry. But have Elizabeth's feelings changed?
What is different here is Mr. Bennet's reaction. Now you have to be aware that while the Gardiners were touring Pemberley with Elizabeth, Wickham and Lydia were running away from Brighton to London, not Gretna Green. So when Mr. Bennet is made aware of Lydia's actions and how she MUST now be forced to marry he vows that no other daughter will ever be forced to marry a man. So you can imagine what he says when the man he knows Elizabeth hates asks for his permission to marry Elizabeth and explains the compromise.
This story is mostly as expected from canon. However whereas in many stories Bingley's and Jane's story is all smooth running waters in this story we see a Bingley as a man who has secrets and a Jane who learns of them by eavesdropping. You know what they say about eavesdropping?
There was a literary device in Chapters 7 and 9 where in the first line of certain sections we read, "Mr. Bennet was confused.", then, "Mrs. Bennet was confused." and further along "Elizabeth was confused." Later it is, "Lydia was relieved, Wickham was relieved, Kitty...Mary...Mr. Bennet...Mrs. Bennet...Mr. Darcy...Elizabeth...Jane was relieved." I found that a charming device but then I am a simple creature.
And I enjoyed immensely the descriptions of Lydia's pouting when Elizabeth engagement is announced during Mr. and Mrs. Wickham's short visit to Longbourn on their way to New Castle. Lydia is not happy when her place at the center of attention is usurped by Elizabeth. Oh, and you will so enjoy the little story about Caroline in the epilogue.
This was a short and sweet read which I completed in an afternoon. It is for all those who can't get enough of ODC.
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Worth the wait
By Kindle Customer
This was such a wonderful story. Surprisingly the angst was not due to the main couple but another well-known couple. This made the familiar new and different. All characters were true to canon in my opinion and of course all is resolved satisfactorily with the epilogue providing excellent closure.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
“…to sleep, perchance to dream – ay, there’s the rub, for in this sleep of death what dreams may come…” Shakespeare
By J. W. Garrett
Yes, Darcy had dreams. And the dreams of Elizabeth being his wife were crushed at Huntsford Parsonage. Those dreams, once precious, then became his worst nightmare. Every night he was subjected to just what his behavior had cost him as she came to him while he slept and then left with the morning sun.
This was a delightful story of what happens when the mist between our dreams and the real world is suddenly lifted and we are presented with a new reality. Darcy awoke from the dream where his beautiful wife Elizabeth welcomed him home with a kiss, to the reality of his holding the Miss Elizabeth Bennet in a passionate kiss and embrace. OOPS!!! Compromise... half the gardening staff stood amazed as they witnessed their master kissing a visitor on the Pemberley tour. Uncle and Aunt Gardiner quickly realized there was definitely something between their niece and the Master of Pemberley.
Well, our canon story changed from this point on and things certainly began to happen. We go along the same trail; however, circumstances changed. We, as lovers of P&P canon, know that as soon as Elizabeth returns to the Inn, letters are waiting for her from Jane regarding Lydia. Only this time Georgiana was with Darcy when he walked in on Elizabeth’s distress. She was able to mediate their confusion and clear up their misunderstanding from canon. [Elizabeth, thinking he only wanted to be away from her and would never see him again. Darcy, thinking of ways to find the couple and needing to leave quickly so he could go after them.] Georgiana was pretty cool in this variation.
Wickham was such a sleaze and what happened to him was our dream fulfilled. Even the servants agreed. Lydia, was such a spoiled brat and did not deserve such a fate simply because she was too silly to realize the reality check she was about to receive. That is, if she ever grew up enough to understand. It was always someone else’s fault, all attention belonged solely to her, she pouted when denied the desire of her heart, and she had no qualms in asking for funds from her much richer sisters. Her sole desire was to marry first, before all her sisters, so she could step ahead of them as a married woman. Will she ever realize that she threw away her chance at a real life…a better life? Had she but waited, but then that is the rub, Lydia never waited for anything. Mrs. Bennet will you ever realize what you created in your favorite child?
Bingley…oooooh, that man. I have never seen his behavior like this before and was stunned. The end result was hilarious and I could not stop laughing. You will have to wait for it, but it was worth it. As was the epilogue with Caroline Bingley. Oh, poor thing; bless her heart. The twist and big reveal was too good. I loved it. I never saw it coming and it was one of those OMG moments.
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