Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

[W785.Ebook] Ebook Download All the King's Men, by Robert Penn Warren

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All the King's Men, by Robert Penn Warren

All the King's Men, by Robert Penn Warren

All the King's Men, by Robert Penn Warren

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All the King's Men, by Robert Penn Warren

Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, this classic book is generally regarded as the finest novel ever written on american politics. It describes the career of Willie Stark, a back-country lawyer whose idealism is overcome by his lust for power. New Foreword by Joseph Blotner for this fiftieth anniversary edition.

  • Sales Rank: #16194 in Books
  • Brand: Mariner Books
  • Published on: 2002-09-03
  • Released on: 2002-09-03
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x 1.25" w x 5.31" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 656 pages
  • Great product!

Amazon.com Review
This landmark book is a loosely fictionalized account of Governor Huey Long of Louisiana, one of the nation's most astounding politicians. All the King's Men tells the story of Willie Stark, a southern-fried politician who builds support by appealing to the common man and playing dirty politics with the best of the back-room deal-makers. Though Stark quickly sheds his idealism, his right-hand man, Jack Burden -- who narrates the story -- retains it and proves to be a thorn in the new governor's side. Stark becomes a successful leader, but at a very high price, one that eventually costs him his life. The award-winning book is a play of politics, society and personal affairs, all wrapped in the cloak of history.

From Publishers Weekly
Nonfiction Reprints
Copyright 1996 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From Library Journal
This reconstituted edition of the 1947 Pulitzer Prize-winning dissection of Louisiana politics gets a serious makeover by scholar Polk, who rescues the cuts and alterations made by the original editors as well as returning protagonist Willie Stark to his original name, Willie Talos. There is also an appendix and editorial notes. Considering this title's importance in American letters and the quite reasonable price, libraries should invest in this edition.
Copyright 2001 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Most helpful customer reviews

292 of 303 people found the following review helpful.
great novel, bad edition
By headband
Yes, this is a great novel, though I personally think the last three pages were a big mistake. But this review is about the "new, corrected edition" by Mr. Polk, which, I'm afraid, is a literary and scholarly travesty. Readers will be well advised to stick with the original 1946 text.; the fact that it has been a force in American life for over 50 years, and that in the 43 years before his death Warren never gave any indication he was dissatisfied with it, should be reason enough. (A cynic would argue that the only reason for the new edition was to extend the copyright.)
Polk went back to Warren's original typescript draft to restore many of the passages, phrases, and stylistic features that were changed or deleted in the editorial process before publication (and approved by Warren); and he claims that his editorial decisions have created a superior novel. The first problem is that, except for a very sketchy 10-page essay, Polk gives the reader no help in judging for himself. A respectable scholarly edition would at the least indicate, at the bottom of each page or the back of the book, each instance in which the first edition text has been changed and where the change came from (the draft was edited by several hands, including Warren's). A reader who wants to assess Polk's work will have to have both editions in hand and scan page by page, and even then will not know whose decisions Polk has overruled. Thus Polk puts himself beyond criticism.
Polk's essay tries to justify his decisions, but his illustrations are merely anecdotal and offer no consistent editorial principles or methodology. I haven't the space here to go through a critique point by point; suffice it to say, I'm not convinced by any of his examples, including the reversion from Willie Stark to Willie Talos. Polk seems to be one of those editors who believes that the closer you get to the author's very first words on paper, the better or the more authentic your version will be, since then you are closest to the "white heat of creativity." But this is one of the silliest forms of romanticism still in existence. And I suspect it runs directly again Warren's own philosophy of history. Polk may think he has restored history, but in fact he has falsified it, for the history was the event of publication.
Polk writes: "Many may feel that Warren's at least tacit approval of the [original] editors' changes-indeed, his gratitude for them-should argue against a new edition. But his `approval' may have come from fatigue, from pressures of one sort or another, from the years of constant work on it. Indeed, his very closeness to the novel may have prevented him from exercising his own good judgment, and in any case this version indicates that he had written better than he knew." Ah, but surely Mr. Polk knows? No, these are the lamest of speculations, for which there is no evidence, and the surest signs that Polk's fantasies are in danger of effacing Warren's work.

222 of 233 people found the following review helpful.
The best book I ever read. Don't miss it!
By Linda Linguvic
Born in Kentucky, Robert Penn Warren (1905-1989) had a long and prestigious literary career, his huge body of work including poetry, essays, textbooks, history and novels. "All the King's Men", written in 1946, won a Pulitzer Prize and I can well understand why. First of all there are the words, lots of them, words that flow and caress and make liberal use of just the right tiny details to get to the essence the people he dscribes. Never have I seen such artful characterization and I found I was re-reading some of these descriptions just for the pure beauty of the way he used his words. And yet those words never got in the way of the story; they enhanced it. It is also a piece of history as the author brings alive the South of 1920s and 1930s.
The story is about Willie Stark, man of humble origin who rose to power as a governor of an unnamed Southern state and is supposedly loosely based on the life of Huey Long, the Governor of Louisiana. But the main character is really Jack Burden, the narrator of the story. He's a reporter when he meets Willie Stark early in his career and is there as witness his political rise. Later, he works directly for Willie and becomes a key player in the blackmailing and political intrigue that surrounds the Governor. We come to know Jack through the people in his life as well as his own internal introspections and watch the swirl of events that grow in depth and complexity. Nothing is quite what it seems at first, and there are multiple sub-stories that unfold as the basic action of the book moves along. And then, just when I think I understand it all, there is yet another and another layer of depth and meaning. Everything has an effect on everything else. I found the book impossible to put down, thinking about it all the time, not only as it related to the story itself, but also how it applies to my own life.
This is perhaps the best book I ever read and I can't heap enough praise on it. It is clearly a masterpiece and I give it my very highest recommendation. It's a present to yourself to read it. Don't miss it!

98 of 105 people found the following review helpful.
An Absolutely Wonderful Book!
By Dennis Phillips
It is extremely hard to sit down and write a review for any piece of classic literature for there is very little a reviewer can say that is new. Of course, for a book to be considered a classic most of its reviewers have to have had a favorable opinion of the work and all a new reviewer can do is concur or disagree. In this case, I couldn't possibly agree more with previous reviewers who have written rave reviews of this book.

This is not so much the story of Willie Stark, who was Willie Talos in the original manuscript, as it the story of Jack Burden, the man telling the story. It really seems to be the story of a young man and his road to maturity. That young man is Jack Burden and Stark seems to be just a convenient focal point around which Warren weaves his story. The plot is very well laid out and flows very well from beginning to end, which is quite an accomplishment when one considers all of the subplots to be found in this book. As Burden tells his story he often wanders down memory lane, recalling events which his story has recalled. Each subplot builds to it's own climax while also building toward the climax of the main story and the reader is swept along like a barrel on the Niagara River. Just as the reader feels as if he can put the book aside for a while, another subplot begins to ascend through the story and the reader is again swept along unable to pause. I got so caught up in one of the subplots that I was late for a very important appointment. I just couldn't stop until I found out what happened.

Stark is obviously supposed to resemble Louisiana Governor Huey Long and he very much does so. If one also reads T. Harry Williams biography of Long they will see just how strong the resemblance is. There are several morals and messages to be drawn from this story including thoughts on good and evil and past and future. In addition to the messages though, one has to admire the incredible amount of research Warren had to have done to write this book. Warren of course was alive and well during Huey Long's reign and that had to help him but in all events described his historical accuracy is uncanny. For example, one of the subplots involves Jefferson Davis in a minor way and even in delving in things well beyond his own memories Warren laces the story with many accurate details. In one passage, Warren relates that Davis missed the steamboat that was to carry him on the first leg of his trip to Montgomery to assume the Presidency of the new Confederacy. Warren points out that the boat left Davis Landing and then was halted out in the river while a smaller boat brought the new President out to get on board. A historical fact that would not be common knowledge but that is entirely accurate.

Many people avoid books that are considered to be top-flight works of literature. These people often assume that such books must be dull and so philosophical that they are beyond the average reader. In some instances this may be the case but not with this book. Warren has turned out a masterpiece that is not only fun to read but is so enjoyable that the reader will hate to come to the end. There are messages to be found here, both obvious and subtle but do not worry about the messages. They will come through on their own as you sit back and enjoy the ride over the falls.

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Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

[V687.Ebook] Fee Download Electronic Test Instruments: Analog and Digital Measurements (2nd Edition), by Robert A. Witte

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Electronic Test Instruments: Analog And Digital Measurements (2nd Edition), By Robert A. Witte. Learning how to have reading behavior is like learning to attempt for eating something that you truly don't really want. It will need more times to assist. Furthermore, it will additionally bit pressure to offer the food to your mouth and also swallow it. Well, as reviewing a publication Electronic Test Instruments: Analog And Digital Measurements (2nd Edition), By Robert A. Witte, often, if you ought to read something for your new tasks, you will certainly really feel so lightheaded of it. Even it is a publication like Electronic Test Instruments: Analog And Digital Measurements (2nd Edition), By Robert A. Witte; it will make you feel so bad.

Electronic Test Instruments: Analog and Digital Measurements (2nd Edition), by Robert A. Witte

Electronic Test Instruments: Analog and Digital Measurements (2nd Edition), by Robert A. Witte

Electronic Test Instruments: Analog and Digital Measurements (2nd Edition), by Robert A. Witte

Fee Download Electronic Test Instruments: Analog and Digital Measurements (2nd Edition), by Robert A. Witte

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Electronic Test Instruments: Analog and Digital Measurements (2nd Edition), by Robert A. Witte

Electronic Test Instruments: Analog and Digital Measurements, Second Edition offers a thorough, unified, up-to-date survey of electronics instrumentation, digital and analog. Start with basic measurement theory, then master all mainstream forms of electronic test equipment through real-world application examples. This new edition is now fully updated for the latest technologies, with extensive new coverage of digital oscilloscopes, power supplies, and more.

  • Sales Rank: #850031 in Books
  • Published on: 2002-03-31
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.50" h x .80" w x 6.80" l, 1.36 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 400 pages

From the Back Cover

Electronic instruments: theory, applications, and real-world practice.

  • The practical guide to electronic test and measurement: instruments and techniques, digital and analog
  • Measurement techniques for maximizing accuracy
  • Meters, signal sources, oscilloscopes, frequency counters, power supplies, spectrum analyzers, network analyzers, logic analyzers, and more
  • Includes many circuit models and conceptual block diagrams

Electronic Test Instruments: Analog and Digital Measurements, Second Edition offers a thorough, unified, up-to-date survey of the entire field of electronic instrumentation: instruments and techniques, digital and analog.

Robert A. Witte first introduces basic measurement theory, then covers each type of commonly used electronic test equipment. Using detailed examples, Witte shows how these systems are applied in real-world applications, introducing core functionality and showing how to choose the right instrument for each task. This new second edition has been updated throughout, reflecting the latest technologies and presenting extensive new coverage of digital oscilloscopes and power supplies.

  • Introduces essential measurement theory and explains its relationship to practical measurements
  • Covers all mainstream test instruments, including meters, signal sources, oscilloscopes, frequency counters, power supplies, spectrum analyzers, network analyzers, logic probes, and logic analyzers
  • Presents circuit models and conceptual block diagrams that clarify the behavior of complex circuits and instruments
  • Explains key commonalities and differences between digital and analog instrumentation from the user's standpoint
  • Introduces advanced circuit concepts and techniques that help users achieve higher quality measurements
  • Illuminates important concepts such as loading effect, grounding, and bandwidth

About the Author

ROBERT A. WITTE is an Engineering Manager with Agilent Technologies (formerly Hewlett-Packard), where he is responsible for the design and development of electronic test and measurement equipment. He has taught electrical engineering courses as an adjunct professor at two universities and has written two books and numerous magazine articles about test and measurement instrumentation.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

This book is for the electrical engineer, technician, or student who understands basic electronics and wants to learn more about electronic measurements and test instruments. To use electronic instruments effectively, it is necessary to understand basic measurement theory and how it relates to practical measurements. Basic measurement theory includes such things as how a voltage waveform relates to its frequency and how an instrument can affect the voltage that it is measuring. In an ideal world, we would not have to know anything about the internal operation of an instrument to use it effectively. Although this ideal situation can be approached, it cannot be obtained completely. (One does not have to know how a gasoline engine works to drive an automobile. However, a driver does need to understand the function of the accelerator and brake pedals.)

To minimize dealing with the internal workings of an instrument, circuit models and conceptual block diagrams are used extensively. Circuit models take a "black box" approach to describing a circuit. In other words, the behavior of a complex circuit or instrument can be described adequately by conceptually replacing it with a much simpler circuit. This circuit model approach reduces the amount of detail that must be remembered and understood. Conceptual block diagrams show just enough of the inner workings of an instrument so that the reader can understand what the instrument is doing, without worrying about the details of how this is accomplished.

In all instrument categories, the traditional analog technologies have been overtaken by digital technology. More precisely, the old analog approach has been replaced by precision analog circuitry that is enhanced by the power of analog-to-digital converters, digital logic, digital signal processing, and measurement algorithms implemented via software. However, a voltage measurement is still a voltage measurement, whether an analog meter or a digital meter is used. Since the measurement is fundamentally the same, this book treats both technologies in a unified manner, emphasizing digital instruments and highlighting the differences between the analog and digital approaches when appropriate.

This book does not attempt to be (nor can it be) a substitute for a well-written instrument operating manual. The reader is not well served by a book that says "push this button, turn this knob" because the definition of the buttons and knobs will undoubtedly change with time. Instead, this book is a reference, which provides the reader with a background in electronic instruments. Variations and improvements in instrument design cause each meter, oscilloscope, or function generator to be somewhat unique. However, they all have in common the fundamental measurement principles covered in this book.

This second edition of the book includes updates to all of the chapters, incorporating recent developments in technology while still remaining focused on the concepts and principles that last over time. The oscilloscope chapters were expanded, with an increased emphasis on digital oscilloscopes. The section on power supplies was expanded into its own chapter.

Chapter 1 covers the basic measurement theory and fundamentals. Chapters 2 through 7 cover the mainstream instruments and applications that the typical user will encounter (meters, signal sources, oscilloscopes, frequency counters, and power supplies). Chapter 8 introduces spectrum analyzer, network analyzers, and RF power meters while Chapter 9 covers logic probes and logic analyzers. Chapter 10 rounds out the book with some important circuit concepts and techniques that enable quality measurements.

My original motivation to write this book was my experience in teaching electrical engineering circuit theory courses. Even students with a good background in electrical theory seem to have trouble relating the textbook concepts to what is observed in the laboratory. The concepts of the loading effect, grounding, and bandwidth are particularly troublesome, so they are emphasized throughout the book.

Most helpful customer reviews

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
I stand in applause for the author's book.
By H. Nguyen
I stand in applause for the author's book. For me, Robert Witte's main goal wasn't just to teach the reader how to use (modern) test equipment, but to give the reader some of the knowledge/intuition that he has gained throughout his career. Each chapter is planted with little "gold nuggets"--derived from real life application (not a text book experience). I say this with much joy. As an engineer, I've been exposed to many, many engineers with varying experiences and knowledge on using test equipments. But none have demonstrated the ability to collate his/her ideas on this subject matter of great importance as the author demonstrates. After all, when you're dealing in the nano or pico range, it's nice to be intimately aware of your measurement device and its inherent errors. I wish I could meet the author and shake his hand.

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
Comprehensive book on basic test instrumentation
By EMC Engineer
This book is just the ticket for the engineer or technician who requires an overview of all the basic test instruments used to measure electronic products or devices. The book starts out with basic measurement theory for dc and ac and pulsed signals. Then introduces basic instruments like voltmeters, ammeters and ohmmeters. Then he dives in to more advanced instruments like signal generators, oscilloscopes and spectrum analyzers. The great thing about this book is that the author uses plentiful examples when explaining the theory behind the various measurements. Use of oscilloscopes and spectrum analyzers are major sections in the book, which is good, because these are used so frequently in the "real world". Highly recommended for someone just getting into engineering design and measurement.

13 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
Good treatment of electronic test equipment
By Engineer
This book does a good job of covering the most common pieces of test equipment....DMMs, function generators, signal generators, scopes, power supplies, spectrum analyzers, logic analyzers, etc. It supports these instrument topics with the right level of theory and application information.

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Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011

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David Suzuki: The Autobiography, by David Suzuki

David Suzuki’s autobiography limns a life dedicated to making the world a better place. The book expands on the early years covered in Metamorphosis and continues to the present, when, at age 70, Suzuki reflects on his entire life — and his hopes for the future. The book begins with his life-changing experience of racism interned in a World War II concentration camp, and goes on to discuss his teenage years, his college and postgraduate experiences in the U.S., and his career as a geneticist and then as the host of The Nature of Things. With characteristic candor and passion, he describes how he became a leading environmentalist, writer, and thinker; the establishment of the David Suzuki Foundation; his world travels and meetings with luminaries like Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama; and the abiding role of nature and family in his life. David Suzuki is an intimate and inspiring look at a modern-day visionary.

  • Sales Rank: #2718147 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2009-07-01
  • Released on: 2009-07-01
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
A Self-Important Force for Good
By Arnold Krupat
Suzuki is an Asian-Canadian geneticist, environmentalist, and television personality. His 1991 "Declaration of Interdependence" has attracted considerable attention in conveying the message that we are all responsible to and dependent upon one another and as well to all life on this planet. It's an important message and one that bears repeating and re-enforcing. His manner, however, in this autobiography, tends toward sentimentality and self-importance. It's a long slog. Like a macrobiotic diet, it's good for you but not much fun.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Spiritual scientist
By David Kiebert
David Suzuki has hosted some very fine "Nature of Things" tv shows on PBS. I have a dvd copy of one of his shows on "the Mystery of Mind." Suzuki combines the intelligence and dispassion of a good ecologist with an open-mindedness worthy of a philosophical journalist. His stories about his family -- especially his father and his environmentally active daughters -- are very heart-warming. He presents a scientifically valid yet spiritual view of the world in which we live.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Amazon Customer
A very interesting account of the great environmentalist's life.

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Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

[V576.Ebook] Download PDF Ecotourism and Sustainable Development, Second Edition: Who Owns Paradise?, by Dr. Martha Honey PhD

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Ecotourism and Sustainable Development, Second Edition: Who Owns Paradise?, by Dr. Martha Honey PhD

Ecotourism and Sustainable Development, Second Edition: Who Owns Paradise?, by Dr. Martha Honey PhD

Ecotourism and Sustainable Development, Second Edition: Who Owns Paradise?, by Dr. Martha Honey PhD

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Ecotourism and Sustainable Development, Second Edition: Who Owns Paradise?, by Dr. Martha Honey PhD

Around the world, ecotourism has been hailed as a panacea: a way to fund conservation and scientific research, protect fragile ecosystems, benefit communities, promote development in poor countries, instill environmental awareness and a social conscience in the travel industry, satisfy and educate discriminating tourists, and, some claim, foster world peace. Although “green” travel is being aggressively marketed as a “win-win” solution for the Third World, the environment, the tourist, and the travel industry, the reality is far more complex, as Martha Honey reports in this extraordinarily enlightening book.
Ecotourism and Sustainable Development, originally published in 1998, was among the first books on the subject. For years it has defined the debate on ecotourism: Is it possible for developing nations to benefit economically from tourism while simultaneously helping to preserve pristine environments? This long-awaited second edition provides new answers to this vital question.
Ecotourism and Sustainable Development is the most comprehensive overview of worldwide ecotourism available today, showing how both the concept and the reality have evolved over more than twenty-five years. Here Honey revisits six nations she profiled in the first edition—the Galapagos Islands, Costa Rica, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Kenya, and South Africa—and adds a fascinating new chapter on the United States. She examines the growth of ecotourism within each country’s tourism strategy, its political system, and its changing economic policies. Her useful case studies highlight the economic and cultural impacts of expanding tourism on indigenous populations as well as on ecosystems.
Honey is not a “travel writer.” She is an award-winning journalist and reporter who lived in East Africa and Central America for nearly twenty years. Since writing the first edition of this book, she has led the International Ecotourism Society and founded a new center to lead the way to responsible ecotourism. Her experience and her expertise resonate throughout this beautifully written and highly informative book.

  • Sales Rank: #4539880 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Island Press
  • Published on: 2008-08-18
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 1.20" h x 6.00" w x 9.00" l,
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 568 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

"Honey's definition of ecotourism is ambitious."

"Highly acclaimed as the most comprehensive study of both the theory and practice of ecotourism...The new edition...marks a major rewrite of the original book."
(Responsible Travel and Tourism)

About the Author
Martha Honey is codirector of the Center on Ecotourism and Sustainable Development and editor of Ecotourism and Certification: Setting Standards in Practice (Island Press, 2002). Previously she worked as a freelance journalist in Latin America and Africa for The Washington Post, The New York Times, the Associated Press, ABC-TV, and the BBC. She has received numerous awards for her investigative journalism.

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Fantastic introduction to the topic
By Rui Pinto
I wanted to learn a bit more about tourism and came a cross this book. Affordable, easy to read and well structured, Honey's book provided much more than an introduction to ecotourism. It provides a glimpse into the industry, engages readers and provides them with a conceptual framework to critically assess certain industry claims. Fantastic book. I did not read all the case studies, but the ones I read were very interesting and showed different facets of ecotourism in different countries.

12 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
Unfortunately the controversies and paradoxes continue. It's the economics that is missing!
By Emc2
I was really looking forward for this updated edition, since the previous one was published in 1999, when ecotourism was still in its infancy, and full of controversies and paradoxes. Undoubtedly this updated edition will continue to be a textbook in ecotourism courses and a key reference for scholars and practitioners, as well as of interest for travelers with a genuine interest in ecotourism by its purist definition. This second edition recounts how ecotourism went from childhood to adulthood, and unfortunately, the contradictions and paradoxes still remain.

In this edition Mrs. Honey revisits six of the seven countries profiled in the first one, the chapter on Cuba was deleted. As explained by the author, Cuba has followed a more classic Caribbean-style resort tourism rather than ecotourism, and in substitution, a new chapter on ecotourism in the US was included. Part 1 of the book presents a comprehensive overview of both the international tourism industry today, and ecotourism in particular, including new materials on certification programs and the role and support of multilateral aid institutions, such as the World Bank, IDB and USAID. Also this edition presents the latest developments regarding traveler's philanthropy and voluntarism, as part of a new trend regarding corporate social responsibility initiatives within the tourism industry led by ecotourism companies.

After going through the evidence presented in the country cases, and the excellent discussion regarding the paradoxes of ecotourism presented in the book Critical Issues in Ecotourism: understanding a complex tourism phenomenon, I was not only disappointed by the lack of evolution of the field, but also realized that the origin of the never ending contradictions and paradoxes can be found in the definition of ecotourism, which disregards the most basics principles of economics, despite the fact of being advocated as a means for sustainable economic development. The law of supply and demand is as inexorable as Newton's Law of Gravity, it works everywhere, and cannot be repealed, whether you believe in it or not. The principles behind the definition of ecotourism are based on several ideological postulates reflecting the proponent's idealistic view of the world rather than on the basis of a market segment within the tourism industry, which must considers consumer choices and preferences, price signals, externalities, economies of scale, market failures, and basic business principles such as financing and production chains.

The problem is that the whole concept of ecotourism was developed exclusively from the point of view of conservationists and environmentalists, who reject free markets, globalization, and all the other evils of capitalism. The following assertion, found in Chapter 3, leaves no doubts about the intentions of ecotourism proponents: "even as ecotourism was growing rapidly in the early 1990s, economic globalization, free trade, and privatization were proving to be strong countervailing forces to the philosophy and promise of ecotourism". One of the promises of ecotourism proponents is "that the portion of profits retained within the Third World will be substantially greater, and the environmental and social consequences will be far less, than with conventional tourism". Mrs. Honey openly asserts that globalization and free trade are "undermining the sustainability of smaller and locally owned ecotourism ventures in developing countries" as the `high concentration of new international firms in key sectors... creates market power and the potential for the abuse of dominance by large international firms". However, as documented in the book, the Tanzanian case demonstrates how foreign investment and globalization were indispensable to star up the tourism industry.

Because the definition of ecotourism is built on such moral high-grounds and in denial of market forces, the result could not be other than a divorce between pure ecotourism principles and economic and business realities. Unfortunately the number of altruist and philanthropic human beings is quite limited, thus, pure ecotourism as advocated by its proponents is rare, and not surprisingly, as reported in the book, several locales considered as islands of excellence in the first edition, today are in danger of disappearing just because of changes in ownership. Until market forces are recognized as an integral part of ecotourism activities, ecotourism will continue to be just as a market niche for a few conscientious travelers and conservationists, as according to figures presented in the book, after almost 30 years from its conception, ecotourism make up just between 5 to 13% of international visitors. Mrs. Honey blames ineffective or insufficient marketing as the probably the primary reason why worthy ecotourism ventures in developing countries failed to attract visitors. Or is it because in the free market gives consumers the power to choose? Tourism is demand driven, and clearly most international visitors are simply not interested in just educational travel as the ecotourism definition requires. As the evidence presented in the book shows, in reality there is a symbiosis between some forms of mass tourism and pure ecotourism, thus allowing pure ecotourism ventures to have financial feasibility, as they benefit from the spillover coming from mass tourism and the other activities.

Costa Rica is proof that several market segments can co-exist and grow together in a mutual beneficial symbiosis, from mass sun and beach to pure ecotourism, as a majority of international visitors end up visiting at least one national park. A similar example reported in the book is South Africa's Sun City, where gambling casinos are the magnet to attract masses of tourists, some of whom visit the nearby national park. However, Mrs. Honey repeats the same criticism she did ten years ago regarding Costa Rica's "risky two-track policy of heavily marketing its parks and ecotourism, while trying to increase visitor number by means of cruise tourism, prepaid air charter tours, large beach resorts, and urban hotels owned by international chains..." However, the statistics presented in the book show that 61% of visitors visited national parks, 66% observed flora and fauna and 77% went to the beach. This mix of products is precisely what makes Costa Rica an attractive destination and this is how it has been done for almost 25 years now, so I will call it a proven success, not a risky proposition. As recounted in the book, even real ecotourism operators and lodge/hotel owners report that international visitors increasingly demand more luxurious accommodations while their knowledge and interest in nature are increasingly casual.

Though a very desirable and noble objective, another principle of the ecotourism definition that does not match reality but instead seems wishful thinking is the assumption that ecotourism "strives to empower and benefit local residents and rural communities, meaning small-scale locally owned enterprises." Even Mrs. Honey recognizes that most communities are not up to the task, nor have access to the financial resources required for large tourism operation, assuming internal conflicts within the community are avoided. And as illustrated in several cases, conflict indeed arises, even among community members, which is unavoidable when money and profit is involved. The evidence presented in the book also shows that actually most small-enterprises and community owned businesses have problems for lack of know-how and business skills, financial resources and government support in carrying out proper marketing. In order to resolve this problem, some ecotourism scholars advocate for government intervention. However, the cases presented, mainly from Africa and the Galapagos, illustrate what a disaster government intervention has been in nature-based and ecotourism, whether due to corruption, unintended consequences, or institutional weakness. And as for government central planning, the disastrous social and economic failures of the former Soviet Union and China under Mao's regime are enough evidence that this is not an option.

Another criticism of Mrs. Honey analysis has to do with the expected community involvement. The Latin American and African contexts are completely different, not only for historical, political and cultural reasons, but mainly because most of the African parks were created under colonial rule by removing indigenous populations by force and without any compensation. Therefore, the principles of ecotourism do not fit the same in all regions, and this difference has to be taken into account.

The discussion of ecotourism in the US merits special attention by the fact that the author here applies a more relaxed definition of ecotourism which clearly does not fulfill all the principles associated with the concept, thus adding one more contradiction. The country case presents agritourism and eco-ranching as forms of pure ecotourism in the US. In the former case it includes wine tourism in Napa and Sonoma on the basis that these are family-owned wineries. The latter includes eco-lodges in cattle ranches at Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. Why is this ecotourism? just because both are "efforts to preserve family-owned businesses and the land, local crops, cultural traditions, and ways of life from outside encroachment". Never mind that these are no longer pristine natural areas, but rather deforested cattle land and/or "sustainable" crop land, clearly showing that ideology comes before than consistency.

My last complain has to do with the chapter about Zanzibar which actually is just a critique of the mass tourism taken place in the island, as the discussion makes clear that the country only has a handful of real ecotourism hotels and projects. Therefore, instead of Zanzibar maybe some other more interesting country case could have been included, such as Brazil, the second largest recipient of international tourists in Latin America after Mexico (and not Costa Rica as wrongly reported in the book), or any of the Southeast Asian countries now trying to develop ecotourism.

Despite my criticism and Mrs. Honey's political bias, this edition contains very useful information for students, academics, and practitioners of ecotourism and tourism in general. And as for the controversies and paradoxes, these are not going to go away until a more realistic definition of ecotourism is introduced, coherent with basic principles of free market economics and the way businesses operate in the real world. For a detailed and comprehensive discussion on these controversies and paradoxes from the point of view of several schools of thought read Critical Issues in Ecotourism: understanding a complex tourism phenomenon.

7 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
THE book for understanding ecotourism
By Sandra Tassel
Ecotourism has been promoted as a mechanism to solve the world's environmental problems and social issues. It is marketed as a salve for the bruised consciences of carbon-spewing but sensitive travelers. But, at times, the label is used by lodges, tours and companies that are camouflaging their tourism-as-usual approach.

Martha Honey, a former investigative reporter who lived for 20 years in developing countries, researched the realities of ecotourism and wrote the definitive book on the topic. Originally released in 1999 by Island Press, Ecotourism and Sustainable Development: Who Owns Paradise? provided readers with a clear understanding of what ecotourism can contribute to conservation, communities and economies. In addition, the book was also a guide to enticing lodges and fascinating places that a conscientious global citizen might want to visit and support.

The second edition of Honey's book has just been released by Island Press and will be a welcome addition to the library of any thoughtful traveler. Part history and part guidebook like the first edition, this new version covers the major changes in the travel industry as ecotourism has become part of the mainstream vernacular. Honey's fine writing covers the evolution and definition of ecotourism in an accessible fashion in addition to giving up-to-the-minute information about selected destinations in seven locales around the world.

This is a must-read book for anyone interested in the intersection between tourism, conservation, social justice and sustainable economies.

Sandra Tassel
Look at the Land Inc
Conservation Consultants

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[V576.Ebook] Download PDF Ecotourism and Sustainable Development, Second Edition: Who Owns Paradise?, by Dr. Martha Honey PhD Doc

[V576.Ebook] Download PDF Ecotourism and Sustainable Development, Second Edition: Who Owns Paradise?, by Dr. Martha Honey PhD Doc
[V576.Ebook] Download PDF Ecotourism and Sustainable Development, Second Edition: Who Owns Paradise?, by Dr. Martha Honey PhD Doc

Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011

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Football Conditioning a Modern Scientific Approach: Fitness Training - Speed & Agility - Injury Prevention, by Adam Owen Ph D

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Football Conditioning a Modern Scientific Approach: Fitness Training - Speed & Agility - Injury Prevention, by Adam Owen Ph D

Adam Owen (UEFA Professional Coaching Licence / Ph.D in Sport & Exercise Science) is the Sport Science & Fitness Coach for the Wales National Team and a Research Science Consultant at SL Benfica. Previously he was Head of Sport Science at Rangers FC and has held senior roles at many other European professional clubs. Assistant author Dr. Alexandre Dellal is the Head of Physical Preparation at OGC Nice and a leading researcher in the world of football science.

The primary aim of this book set is to make use of modern coaching methods and football science principles to educate coaches working with players of all ages and levels. This book will help increase the efficiency of all training sessions and ensure that key components of the game (technical, tactical, physical and physiological) are being developed in conjunction with each other, rather than in isolation, which is fundamental to the development of football players.

In this book (Part 1) we analyse the Distance and Intensity of Running, Physiological Demands of Football and Injuries and Prevention Techniques. We then present Speed & Agility Training Drills, Warm Up Drills and Injury Prevention, Strength and Conditioning Exercises. The second book in this set focuses on Periodization, Seasonal Training and Small Sided Games.

Walter Smith OBE (Former Rangers FC Manager):
''Coaches, at a range of levels, will enjoy the content of this book and be able to integrate the key findings into their training. Maximising the link between the technical, tactical and physical aspect of the game has seen an increased use of technology, analysis and specific personnel to ensure performance levels are maximised, and player injury is minimised. As a result, this book encapsulates these topics and highlights the fact that Adam is one of the most innovative performance coaches, underpinning sound football specific practice with scientific knowledge.''

Aaron Ramsey (Arsenal FC and Wales):
''Having known and worked with Adam for many years at International level, he is someone I enjoy working with and I have benefited in many areas of my game due to his methods and knowledge. I look forward to working with him for many years to come.''

Steven Davis (Southampton FC and Northern Ireland Captain):
''Adam and I worked together for many years during a significant and successful part of my career. His knowledge in his specialised area, and the philosophy he implemented from a science and performance aspect within the club (Rangers FC) was excellent. As a result, it led to an improvement in me as a professional.''

Prof. Del P. Wong (Football Science Researcher):
''Adam's main strength is the ability to link cutting edge science to the on-field performance to stimulate a different thought process as highlighted throughout this book. Attaining the UEFA Pro Coaching Licence and a Ph.D degree, is a rare but very impressive combination which make him very unique in our field. The information provided within this book highlights the link between the science and on-pitch coaching.''

  • Sales Rank: #1134151 in Books
  • Published on: 2016-08-10
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 9.69" h x .53" w x 7.44" l, 1.06 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback

Walter Smith OBE (Former Rangers FC Manager): ''Coaches, at a range of levels, will enjoy the content of this book and be able to integrate the key findings into their training. Maximising the link between the technical, tactical and physical aspect of the game has seen an increased use of technology, analysis and specific personnel to ensure performance levels are maximised, and player injury is minimised. As a result, this book encapsulates these topics and highlights the fact that Adam is one of the most innovative performance coaches, underpinning sound football specific practice with scientific knowledge.'' Aaron Ramsey (Arsenal FC and Wales): ''Having known and worked with Adam for many years at International level, he is someone I enjoy working with and I have benefited in many areas of my game due to his methods and knowledge. I look forward to working with him for many years to come.'' Steven Davis (Southampton FC and Northern Ireland Captain): ''Adam and I worked together for many years during a significant and successful part of my career. His knowledge in his specialised area, and the philosophy he implemented from a science and performance aspect within the club (Rangers FC) was excellent. As a result, it led to an improvement in me as a professional.'' Prof. Del P. Wong (Football Science Researcher): ''Adam's main strength is the ability to link cutting edge science to the on-field performance to stimulate a different thought process as highlighted throughout this book. Attaining the UEFA Pro Coaching Licence and a Ph.D degree, is a rare but very impressive combination which make him very unique in our field. The information provided within this book highlights the link between the science and on-pitch coaching.''

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Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

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The Power of a Positive No: Save The Deal Save The Relationship and Still Say No, by William Ury

No is perhaps the most important and certainly the most powerful word in the language. Every day we find ourselves in situations where we need to say No–to people at work, at home, and in our communities–because No is the word we must use to protect ourselves and to stand up for everything and everyone that matters to us.

But as we all know, the wrong No can also destroy what we most value by alienating and angering people. That’s why saying No the right way is crucial. The secret to saying No without destroying relationships lies in the art of the Positive No, a proven technique that anyone can learn.

This indispensable book gives you a simple three-step method for saying a Positive No. It will show you how to assert and defend your key interests; how to make your No firm and strong; how to resist the other side’s aggression and manipulation; and how to do all this while still getting to Yes. In the end, the Positive No will help you get not just to any Yes but to the right Yes, the one that truly serves your interests.

Based on William Ury’s celebrated Harvard University course for managers and professionals, The Power of a Positive No offers concrete advice and practical examples for saying No in virtually any situation. Whether you need to say No to your customer or your coworker, your employee or your CEO, your child or your spouse, you will find in this book the secret to saying No clearly, respectfully, and effectively.

In today’s world of high stress and limitless choices, the pressure to give in and say Yes grows greater every day, producing overload and overwork, expanding e-mail and eroding ethics. Never has No been more needed. A Positive No has the power to profoundly transform our lives by enabling us to say Yes to what counts–our own needs, values, and priorities.

Understood this way, No is the new Yes. And the Positive No may be the most valuable life skill you’ll ever learn!

From the Hardcover edition.

  • Sales Rank: #24797 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Bantam
  • Published on: 2007-12-26
  • Released on: 2007-12-26
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.18" h x .58" w x 5.50" l, .48 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 272 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

From Publishers Weekly
Twenty-five years after the publication of the bestselling Getting to Yes, Ury addresses the other side of the coin, but his version of "No" is not a simple rejection. "A Positive No begins with Yes and ends with Yes," he says, because it defines the nay-sayer's self-interests and paves the way for a continued relationship. Ury delineates this "Yes! No. Yes?" pattern recursively, so that each step is itself another three-part process. In addition to drawing on his own experiences as a negotiator for conflicts in countries like Chechnya and Venezuela, and the historical examples of activists like Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi, he shows how his principles can be used in the home and the workplace. He even throws in a few literary precedents, citing Melville's Bartleby the Scrivener, whose repetition of the phrase "I would prefer not to" is cited as a "simple and admirable" method of polite refusal. Some of Ury's advice, like describing how another's actions make you feel rather than attacking the action, may strike the more cynical minded as touchy-feely, but his reminders to consider the other person's perspective while asserting your own position create a clear, unambiguous path to win-win situations. (Mar. 6)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

"William Ury brings a marvelous blend of experience, insight, integrity and warmth to his work. In this wonderful book he teaches us how to say No—with grace and effect—so that we might create even better Yes".—Jim Collins, author Good to Great

"Almost any brief comment on The Power of a Positive No would be trite. Suffice it to say that if I'd had and used this book for the last 25 years, I would have doubtless avoided innumerable heartaches and headaches and tattered personal and professional relationships. 'Original' is an embarrassingly overused word on book dust jackets, but, simply, this all-important book stands alone on a subject that underpins, like no other, jndividual and organizational effectiveness."—Tom Peters, author of In search of Excellence

"The world's biggest shared secret is that most of us say yes when we really want to say no, in both our professional and private lives. Bill Ury generously provides us with insights and techniques to turn this malady into win-win solutions. This is a wise and powerful book."—John Naisbitt, author of Megatrends

"No matter whether you are negotiating compensation with the toughest CFO or a curfew for your teenager, this book teaches us a critical and counterintuitive lesson.  You can say no and still be nice.  Simple, straightforward and easy to read, The Power of a Positive No is a YES on our reading list."—Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval, authors of The Power of Nice: How to Conquer the Business World with Kindness

From the Hardcover edition.

About the Author
A world-renowned negotiator, mediator, and bestselling author, William Ury directs the Global Negotiation Project at Harvard University. Over the last thirty years he has helped millions of people, hundreds of organizations, and numerous countries at war reach satisfying agreements.

From the Hardcover edition.

Most helpful customer reviews

61 of 61 people found the following review helpful.
Root your No in a deeper Yes
By Coert Visser
William Ury is the co-author of the well-known book Getting to YES. In this book he explains how he has come to realize that getting to yes is only half of the picture. Ury even says that "whether and how we say No determines the very quality of our lives." The reason is that word No is indispensible whenever you have to stand up for what really matters to you.Certain situations can create tension between an issue which is important to you and a relatinoship that is also important to you. This tension can make us fall into the three-A trap of Accomodation (saying yes when we mean No), Attacking (responding forcefully) and Avoiding (doing nothing at all). Ury presents the positive No as a way out. In short this means:

1. Yes! -> positively and concretely describing your core interests and values

2. No. -> explicitely link your no to this YES!

3. Yes? -> suggest another positive outcome or agreement to the other person

Ury goes into much detail about how to prepare, deliver, and follow through your positive No. His style of wrting is crystal clear and his examples are interesting. Some examples are probably very recognizable to many readers (like: how do you say to someone who wants to borrow money from you when you don't want to). Other examples are much grander (how to negotiate in an inter-ethnic conflict) and also interesting. The core idea of this book is very simple and very important. I was perhaps most interested to read Chapter 2 which explain the importance of a Plan B, which is your backup for your prefered outcome. I'll end this review with a quote by the great No-sayer Mahatma Gandhi (which is mentiond on page 7): "A `No' uttered from deepest conviction is better and greater than a `Yes' merely uttered to please or what is worse, to avoid trouble.

41 of 43 people found the following review helpful.
Saying no in a positive way
By M. L Lamendola
The title isn't a cute play on words. This book really does reveal how to say "no" in a positive way. Some people think saying no is negative behavior, without recognizing the reality that failing to saying no (when you should) can do immense harm. Some people think that getting your way ("winning") is what matters, and they render their "no" in a way that diminishes their own position and everyone involved.

The first view is disrespectful to yourself and dishonest toward the other person. The latter is disrespectful to the other person and dishonest toward yourself. Neither view takes into consideration that two parties have their own needs and agendas to meet. When one side loses, both lose.

A third way, which Ury reveals, is honest and respectful to both parties. Consequently, it leads to a positive outcome for both parties. Sometimes, it's a matter of leaving a door open. You may have worked with someone who quit and came back several times over the course of many years--how did that person manage to say no to your employer and yet leave the door open to being rehired later? A "no" doesn't need to inflict negative results--it can provide positive results. How that happens is the subject of this book, and Ury provides many examples to show how this works.

In fact, one example from this book was a verbatim suggestion given to me by a business associate just last year. In a pre-sale message, we needed to tell a customer no to some features he wanted. I had sent my associate my planned reply, and she came back with a suggestion--it was a softener to the no, one that left the door open without tying us down. The customer was delighted with my modified reply, and I closed the sale. After the sale, I compared both replies and saw that my original, while not patently offensive, didn't leave the door open and could easily have left the customer feeling cold.

Recognizing these kinds of gems in this book helped reinforce to me the credibility of the author. Yes, he already came with plenty of high-end credentials, as a quick online search on "William Ury" reveals. But what really grabbed me was the substance of the book. Here's a subject we all have to deal with, on various levels, but we find it so hard and so frustrating to get it right. We find ourselves constantly choosing between saying yes to have harmony and saying no to protect our interests. But we don't need to be in that position. It's not an either/or choice.

You can say no to someone's (offer, demand, viewpoint, preference, plans) in a way that leaves that other person feeling better for the exchange, and thus enhances the relationship. You can refuse a customer's demands and not lose the sale or watch future sales evaporate. You can tell your spouse no (to that golf outing, new car, cruise) and not start a fight. You can tell your child no to going to (name the place) without getting an argument or temper tantrum in return. You can tell your boss no to yet another (assignment, transfer, trip, seminar) without sinking your career advancement. How you say no allows you to do these things. And that is what Ury addresses from his years of experience in negotiations.

As I read through this book, time and again I found myself nodding, "Yes, that's exactly right." Other times, I found myself thinking, "So, that's how I should have handled (name the circumstance)!" or "I can see how this works better than the way I normally do it."

Many times, I have said no to someone or disagreed with someone, only to be surprised that the other person is offended. I may have said, "This is wrong," but the other person heard, "You are wrong." You can say no to the proposal without saying no to the person. Yury explains how to do this.

It's a powerful skill, and not just in business. For example, have you fought with a friend or family member over something trivial? Or, flipping that around, have you bought into the "go along to get along" concept, only to fume later?

The process of providing another person with a positive no has three stages: preparation, delivery, and follow-through. The book is divided into three Parts, each of which deal with one of these stages. Each Part contains three chapters, bringing the subtotal to nine chapters. The final (tenth, but unnumbered) chapter concludes the book by explaining the marriage of yes and no.

This book is a winner. If you practice its principles, both you and the recipient of your "no" will feel like--and be--winners, too. I must caution you, this book does not provide some simplistic formula or magic words to utter. It takes time to master the concepts and apply them correctly. Ury provides plenty of examples to show that doing so is well worth the effort.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Lifesaving book for those unable to say no...
By Amazon Customer
AMAZING book for anyone dealing with issues of saying no to others. This was recommended reading by my counselor to help deal with ongoing anxiety issues.. It is a lifesaver that I continuously use as a reference on a daily basis..

See all 97 customer reviews...

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