Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

[O352.Ebook] Ebook Hitler's Orphan: Demetri of Kalavryta, by Marc Zirogiannis

Ebook Hitler's Orphan: Demetri of Kalavryta, by Marc Zirogiannis

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Hitler's Orphan: Demetri of Kalavryta, by Marc Zirogiannis

Hitler's Orphan: Demetri of Kalavryta, by Marc Zirogiannis

Hitler's Orphan: Demetri of Kalavryta, by Marc Zirogiannis

Ebook Hitler's Orphan: Demetri of Kalavryta, by Marc Zirogiannis

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Hitler's Orphan: Demetri of Kalavryta, by Marc Zirogiannis

This historical novella is set in the famed Greek village of Kalavryta, the site of one of the worst massacres in the history of World War II. Panagiotis and Vasiliki Zirogiannis are met with the realities of Italian and, later, Nazi occupation of their beloved, little village in the Greek countryside. Against the backdrop or war, rebellion, and tragedy they try to affirm their love and protect their baby, Demetrios. This book tells the true story of a human tragedy of epic proportions.

  • Sales Rank: #923408 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-03-11
  • Released on: 2015-03-11
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Historical heart-wrencher
By Yankeelin
A slim volume that packs a punch in so few words....tho a reader may WANT more, one doesn't NEED more.

With clear, concise writing Zirogiannis has encapsulated and shared the emotional beginnings of his grandparents and fathers lives in WW2 Greece. The first few pages fly by.. but then you intentionally slow down, turn those pages with horrid anticipation. You know what the outcome must be but keep hoping for a different ending anyway.

At first i was disappointed truth be told. I so desperately wanted more. Yet as i lay curled up in bed thinking about the book, it hit me like a ton of bricks. The author got his message.. the meaning.. the jolt of emotion.. across to the reader with so few words that he has proven just what an exceptional writer he is!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Nice short story
By Kolvas
The book was short and to the point. Finished reading in about an hour. The audiobook companion was good as well.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By G. A. Georgeson
Loved the book...short and to the point

See all 4 customer reviews...

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[O352.Ebook] Ebook Hitler's Orphan: Demetri of Kalavryta, by Marc Zirogiannis Doc
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Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

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Bringing interactivity to readers’ fingertips

Health: The Basics, MasteringHealth Edition focuses health coverage on real-world topics that have the greatest impact on readers’ lives, keeping individuals hooked on learning and living well. Along with dynamic new interactive content and media, this book retains its hallmarks of currency, accessibility, cutting-edge research, focus on behavior change, attractive design, imaginative art, and unique mini-chapters.

The Twelfth Edition addresses readers’ diverse needs and learning styles by tightly weaving online assignable activities into the narrative in the text. Every chapter includes Learning Outcomes and a new study plan that ties directly into MasteringHealth activities. Assignable self-assessments and reading quizzes help instructors engage individuals in the material.

Also Available with MasteringHealth

This title is also available with MasteringHealth—an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Interactive, self-paced tutorials provide individualized coaching to help students stay on track. With a wide range of activities available, students can actively learn, understand, and retain even the most difficult concepts.


  • Sales Rank: #1891 in Books
  • Published on: 2016-01-18
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.70" h x 1.10" w x 8.40" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 576 pages

About the Author

Rebecca Donatelle is a professor emeritus in Public Health and was the Coordinator of the Public Health Promotion and Education Programs in the College of Health and Human Sciences at Oregon State University. She has a PhD in Community Health/Health Education, a Master of Science degree in Health Education, and a Bachelor of Science degree with majors in both Health/Physical Education and English. She is also a Certified Health Education Specialist. In addition to her varied teaching responsibilities, Becky has been an active researcher in the area of health behaviors and behavior change. She received the Leadership Award, outstanding teacher award in her college, and a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Presidential Award for Promising New Research in the Smoke-Free Families National Initiative.


Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Great quality book that helped me prepare before my tests ...
By nigel
Rented the book for my Health class in college. Great quality book that helped me prepare before my tests and just review key material. Comes quickly and in a return envelope for when I return the book at the end of the semester. I recommended it to my friends for when they need the book next semester.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Eugene
Good book. Good condition.

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Senin, 19 Desember 2011

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Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

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Pediatric Board Study Guide: A Last Minute ReviewFrom Springer

Covers the most frequently asked and tested points on the pediatric board exam. Each chapter offers a quick review of specific diseases and conditions clinicians need to know during the patient encounter. Easy-to-use and comprehensive, clinicians will find this guide to be the ideal final resource needed before taking the pediatric board exam.

  • Sales Rank: #71778 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-03-28
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 11.00" h x 1.27" w x 8.25" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 614 pages

From the Back Cover

Covering the most frequently asked and tested points on the pediatric board exam, Pediatric Board Study Guide offers a quick review of specific diseases and conditions clinicians need to know during the patient encounter.  Chapters cover the American Board of Pediatrics core content specifications and are authored by experts on the key subspecialties.  Also featured are Last Minute Review Tables, which include clinical case scenarios and high-yield facts.  Easy-to-use, richly illustrated and comprehensive, clinicians will find this resource to be an invaluable reference.

About the Author

Osama I. Naga MD FAAP, Clinical Assistant Professor, Paul L Foster School of Medicine, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, El Paso, Texas.

Most helpful customer reviews

9 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
it is better to be able to
By Umber76
Am studying for my rectification. Am finding this is the only study source I'm using that help me keep things in my head. (If I don't pass it will be because I didn't spend enough time studying not the fault of the book.)

Other study sources I'm using:
1) 3 years of PREP questions: the long paragraph explanations with those questions make my eyes glaze over. Plus, it is better to be able to, as this book does, compare/contrast the similar conditions that will be among the answer choices.
2) MedStudy flashcards: Are a bit too simplistic and doe not give the level of detail on the conditions. Not sure they are worth paying twice as much money for 1/4 as much info -- this study guide book seems a more comprehensive source. But the flashcards are easy to grab a bunch of and throw in my purse or bag
3) Cleveland Clinic Intensive Review of Pediatrics: Am realizing that purchase may have been the least useful in context of other study aids. Using that one the least as am prioritizing doing PREP questions instead.

-There are many decision trees/algorithms to help you differentiate similar diseases/conditions and think through appropriate next test (e.g. metabolic disease diagnosis and process of elimination)
-There are tables for a quick review of the list of disease or compare/contrast of two or more related diseases (CD vs UC, or night terror vs nightmare, poisoning substance and matched antidotes, conditions that could be mistaken for ADHD, etc)
-I'm recognizing, in bullet points, the same things in the PREP explanations, but in a much more accessible and easier to memorize format
(When I go back to redo a PREP question I got wrong, I can't remember the right answer from the description. But if, after getting a PREP question wrong, I go to the same section in this book, I remember what I was supposed to have learned.)
-Last few pages has a "Last minute review" that describes the likely clinical scenario for each disease -- wish this were a booklet that could be separated from book to carry for quick and easy review
-Has a good number of pictures which are pretty good quality
-Has EKGs, x-rays, histology pictures, diagrams (like various salter harris fractures), etc.
-The text is clear, concise, easy to read, well organized.
-Reviews pathophysiology that the PREP questions seem to ask

Negative: None really except, maybe:
Not a small or light book so not easy to carry around to read on the subway.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
good reference book - along works along with lectures on youtube
By Mom of Two
I use this more as a reference to study from and not my main source to study for peds board 2nd re-certification (coming up in 2 months) since I bought this after I already started studying using another source - I already took the first boards 17 years ago and 1st recertification 10 years. I mainly use Surfing your way to recertification only b/c I used the laughing your way for my first recertification which I did very well on and also did lots of AAP Prep questions - about 5 years worth and the ABP practice questions they provide. I also use Youtube and search up diseases I've never seen in person and Osama Naga also has Youtube lectures that tie in with this book of which I also review as well for some chapters. It's much harder to study as years pass. This study guide covers more stuff that the ABP content guidelines does not cover. Of what I covered so far since I'm not done studying, I liked the metabolic chapters and the approach he outlines.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
By Luna-04
The book is above my expectation. This is the best pediatric board review among other books out there. Easy and fast to read. I like the bullet point format, and the last chapter; last minute review is brilliant. It is the perfect tool, and easy to retain. Also, the book is linked to a Great!!! Tool of a sequence of free videos on YouTube made by the same author. The videos are very helpful and provide an excellent review as well, here is the link. Over all is the best, very happy and worth the money!

See all 19 customer reviews...

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Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

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Cannonball Adderley - Omnibook: For E-flat InstrumentsFrom Hal Leonard

(Jazz Transcriptions). Nearly 50 of Julian Cannonball Adderley's recorded solos transcribed exactly for E-flat instruments, including: Blue Funk * Cannonball * Easy to Love (You'd Be So Easy to Love) * Fiddler on the Roof * I Remember You * Love for Sale * Milestones * Oleo * On Green Dolphin Street * People Will Say We're in Love * So What * Somethin' Else * Stardust * Straight No Chaser * Things Are Getting Better * What Is This Thing Called Love? * Who Cares? (So Long As You Care for Me) * You Got It * and many more.

  • Sales Rank: #201711 in Books
  • Brand: Hal Leonard
  • Published on: 2016-01-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 12.00" h x .60" w x 9.00" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 264 pages
  • For C Instruments Series: Jazz Transcriptions Format: Softcover Artist: Cannonball Adderley Inventory #HL 00142379 ISBN: 9781495011788 UPC: 888680048501 Width: 9.75" Length: 12.0" 264 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Fantastic Anthology
By Amazon Customer
This was such a great buy. I have always liked Cannonball and found myself playing out of this for hours the same day I got it. Many amazing songs in this collection. I recommend this to anyone with any kind of interest in Cannonball's music.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Publishers ruined this.
By Derek
As a professional musician, I have loved the Charlie Parker Omnibook. This is nothing like it. The publisher got their hands all over it and made it completely illegible with unnecessary accents, slurs, key signatures (rather than accidentals, as is standard in the omni book) 8va's and then compressed the lines too close together. It was not worth the money.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By James Stewart
A great book... Highly recommended ....

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Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

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Matar Un Ruisenor / To Kill a Mockingbird (Spanish Edition), by Harper Lee

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Matar Un Ruisenor / To Kill a Mockingbird (Spanish Edition), by Harper Lee

Set in the small Southern town of Maycomb, Alabama, during the Depression, this story follows three years in the life of eight-year-old Scout Finch, her brother, Jem, and their father, Atticus. The three years are punctuated by the arrest and eventual trial of a young black man accused of raping a white woman. The result is a tough and tender novel of race, class, justice, and the pain of growing up, all through the eyes of a young girl. Robert Mulligan directed the film adaptation, which won an Oscar for best script (Horton Foote) and best actor (Gregory Peck).

  • Sales Rank: #2181599 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Plaza n Janes Editories Sa
  • Published on: 1994-06
  • Ingredients: Example Ingredients
  • Original language: Spanish
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.25" h x 4.75" w x 1.25" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 446 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

About the Author
Harper Lee is a writer who has achieved international acclaim thanks to her only book, To Kill a Mockingbird. She lives in Alabama and New York.

Most helpful customer reviews

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
By Pen me
Being a Spaniard I learned much about the South and their customs. This is a piece of writing that every body should read around the world.

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Good reading , good buy.
By MexicanTrivia lover.
To kill a Mockingbird has been one of my favorite books since childhood, so now that I'm a mother I wanted to pass it on to my daughter. Being my native language spanish, my husband and I agreed on making our children biligual, so we read to them in both was a very nice surprise to find this book translated to spanish and to find also that it hasn't lost as much as other translated books, the words and the sense of the phrases are translated as exact as possible to the original novel which makes the reading very worthy. The size of the book makes it really convenient and the price of it too.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Good reading , good buy.
By MexicanTrivia lover.
To kill a Mockingbird has been one of my favorite books since childhood, so now that I'm a mother I wanted to pass it on to my daughter. Being my native language spanish, my husband and I agreed on making our children biligual, so we read to them in both was a very nice surprise to find this book translated to spanish and to find also that it hasn't lost as much as other translated books, the words and the sense of the phrases are translated as exact as possible to the original novel which makes the reading very worthy. The size of the book makes it really convenient and the price of it too.

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Rabu, 30 November 2011

[W625.Ebook] Free Ebook Shipping Container Homes: The complete guide to building shipping container homes, including plans, FAQS, cool ideas, and more!, by Andrew

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Shipping Container Homes: The complete guide to building shipping container homes, including plans, FAQS, cool ideas, and more!, by Andrew

Shipping Container Homes - 2nd Edition

Grab this GREAT physical book now at a limited time discounted price!

Are you ready to join the shipping container home revolution?
Shipping container homes are a newly popular method of sustainable housing. Essentially it involves taking a new (or used) shipping container, and turning it into a home, office, or other type of liveable space!
There are a huge range of designs that can be created, and multiple shipping containers can be joined together to create a truly unique structure.

These shipping container homes are not only a lot cheaper than regular housing, they also are more environmentally friendly and sustainable!
Inside this book, you will learn all that you need to know to get started with building your very own shipping container home. You will learn about how to source containers, treat and prepare them for building, who to hire to help you along the way, and be given some great design ideas!
There are also some sample building plans included to help you decide on exactly what you'd like your shipping container home to look like.

Here Is What You'll Learn About...

  • What Are Shipping Container Homes
  • Pros & Cons Of Shipping Container Homes
  • How Much Will It Cost?
  • Who You Need To Hire For The Design & Build
  • What Permits You Will Need
  • Instructions On How To Create Your Structure
  • Shipping Container Home Plans
  • Much, Much More!

Order your copy of this fantastic book today!

  • Sales Rank: #113418 in Books
  • Published on: 2016-05-15
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .17" w x 6.00" l, .18 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 74 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Waste of Time: Don't bother with this dog of a book
By Dennis Stevens, Ed.D.
This book is self-published through CreateSpace, wherein, a separate company owned by Amazon provides the tools to help people self-publish and distribute their books.

I found the contents of this book to be incredibly poor and not in keeping with the glowing recommendations that are offered; the reviews make this book seem great but, as soon as I opened it, I could tell that it was self-published. It feels like it was written by a content farm. A deeper review of the book reviews leads me to believe that the reviewers have been falsified in some way-- I was so disappointed with the quality of the book's contents that I filed a return claim within five minutes of holding it in my hands.

In sum, if you need quality and up-to-date information on container homes, there are better ways to spend $10-- don't waste your time on this book and in the end, make the same mistake that I made.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Impressive Idea!!!!
By jessica
Impressive read and impressive idea. I never heard of shipping container homes. After reading this book i was so amazed by what creativity can do to us. Shipping Container Homes are very cheap to build. A lot of them are so pretty as well. its also earthquake and hurricane proof. This is truly a book that saves people hundred thousands. Five stars!

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
equipping anyone with the essentials...
By Yoana Jackson
Shipping Container Homes have been making waves nowadays because there are many people going to this direction already. That is also why books about them are also invading the internet. But what makes this book quite a read is because it has been complete with all the necessary things that one needs to know before he embarks on living on these houses. Information like the price, the permits, the pros and cons, and a lot more are given, therefore equipping anyone with the essentials.

See all 67 customer reviews...

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Jumat, 25 November 2011

[D887.Ebook] Free Ebook Bent: Australia's Crooked Cops, by James Morton, Susanna Lobez

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Bent: Australia's Crooked Cops, by James Morton, Susanna Lobez

Bent: Australia's Crooked Cops, by James Morton, Susanna Lobez

Bent: Australia's Crooked Cops, by James Morton, Susanna Lobez

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Bent: Australia's Crooked Cops, by James Morton, Susanna Lobez

Legal proceedings against a former police officer have forced parts of this book to be redacted. Bent law officers exist in every era, sabotaging the work of their colleagues and putting the community at risk. James Morton and Susanna Lobez have illustrated, in several Gangland books, that Australia almost certainly has out-ganged other countries. Now their spotlight is turned on corruption within the police services and identifying which state wins the bent cop handicap. The authors examine the problems that started with the First Fleet and spread through to the present day, looking at the trouble caused by greed, power, alcohol, sex, money, and, most recently, drugs. They compare the experience in Australia with corruption in America, England, and Hong Kong, concentrating in particular on organized corruption at the highest levels, including judges, lawyers, and politicians, through to the petty criminals who work the streets. Which state has the shadiest cops? The answer will surprise you.

  • Sales Rank: #9974576 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-03-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.10" h x 1.10" w x 6.00" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 272 pages

About the Author
James Morton, a former defense lawyer in England, is one of Britain's leading experts on crime. He is the author of more than 20 books, including Brilliant Bread. Susanna Lobez is an Australian broadcaster and former actor and barrister. She has been a legal specialist broadcaster on the radio show The Law Report and on the television show Law Matters. She has written feature articles for the Age and columns for the Sunday Herald Sun. They are the coauthors of the bestselling Gangland series, Dangerous to Know, and Kings of Stings.

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
greed or temptation too great to resist
By Amazon Customer
James Morton and Susanna Lobez have written a number of Australian true crime books together now, many of which are in anecdotal format. Whilst BENT tends towards that style again, it is considerably more detailed and employs a much clearer narrative connection than many of the earlier books this reviewer has read. As a result of this, it's a much stronger, considerably more informative read than originally expected.

Even when you realise that there's been an extensive culture of corruption throughout not just the Police in Australia since First Fleet Days, BENT really brings home how extensive, how protected and how blatant much of the corruption has been. Not just in the obvious locations such as Queensland in the Bjelke-Petersen era, and the NSW car crash of around the same time. The levels of corruption, and the length of time it was allowed to go on may have varied slightly state to state, but it is rather sobering to think that it's basically been everywhere. Whether it's disaffection, greed or temptation too great to resist, the thin line between the cops and crooks attempting to influence seems to be paper thin. Not helped by the witch hunts launched against so called whistleblowers (who let's face it are the ones who are attempting to do the right thing - yet we stigmatise / label...). What comes through so clearly is the need for leadership, supervision, guidance and intervention. Much of which is often missing, much of which seems to have been corrupted first.

BENT was fascinating and quite compelling reading. It's not a heavy academic treatise on the cause and affect, and likely ways of avoiding all corruption, but it does clarify a lot of intricacies and it certainly gives the reader a picture of the spread of the problem. And this time, because it's less choppy, and more structured and targeted it's extremely readable.

BENT leaves you considering the possible outcomes had the amount of effort, and the level of organisation that has been put into the crime side of the "policing" environments, had gone to actual crime solving.

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Selasa, 22 November 2011

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STAR WARS NEW JEDI ORDER 2 Book Set; EDGE OF VICTORY 1 AND 2 - Conquest and Rebirth, by Greg Keyes

Star Wars Novels

  • Sales Rank: #2924786 in Books
  • Published on: 2000
  • Binding: Paperback

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Jumat, 18 November 2011

[D671.Ebook] PDF Download Nate the Great and the Crunchy Christmas, by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Craig Sharmat

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Nate the Great and the Crunchy Christmas, by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Craig Sharmat

Nate the Great and the Crunchy Christmas, by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Craig Sharmat

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Nate the Great and the Crunchy Christmas, by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Craig Sharmat

Beginning readers are introduced to the detective mystery genre in these chapter books. Perfect for the Common Core, kids can problem-solve with Nate, using logical thinking to solve mysteries! 

Annie's dog is unhappy. When Fang is unhappy, everyone is unhappy. Especially Nate the Great. So Nate agrees to sniff out Fang's mysteriously missing Christmas mail. It's cold and snowy. But Nate the Great and his dog, Sludge, will try to solve this holiday case in time for Fang to have a crunchy, munchy Christmas.

Check out the Fun Activities section in the back of the book! 

Visit Nate the Great and Sludge!

"All the usual characters, Sharmat's wry humor, and Simont's lively, appealing watercolors are packed into this easy reader that's sure to be popular all year long."--School Library Journal

"Nate uncovers some snowy clues to deliver a lip-smacking holiday greeting to Fang and his owner. Simont's loose, humorous chalk and watercolor spots help turn this beginning reader into a page-turner."--Publishers Weekly

  • Sales Rank: #29630 in Books
  • Brand: Yearling
  • Published on: 1997-10-06
  • Released on: 1997-10-06
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.63" h x .27" w x 5.25" l, .24 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 80 pages

From Booklist
Gr. 1^-2. Nate the Great attempts to solve his friend Annie's holiday mystery: what happened to the Christmas card her dog Fang received from his mother? Nate and his faithful hound Sludge follow the clues and deduce who has hidden the card, where it is, and why it was taken. The witty, staccato text gives a sense of style to the most mundane activities, since nothing the great detective does (even shovelling snow or eating potato pancakes) seems quite ordinary. Brightened by watercolor washes, Simont's line drawings illustrate the story with wit. A good-humored book for beginning readers, this tale ends with Nate's own holiday card for his audience. Carolyn Phelan

From the Publisher
Annie's dog is unhappy. When Fang is unhappy, everyone is unhappy. Especially Nate the Great. So Nate agrees to sniff out Fang's mysteriously missing Christmas mail. It's cold and snowy. But Nate the Great and his dog, Sludge, will try to solve this holiday case in time for Fang to have a crunchy, munchy Christmas.

From the Inside Flap
Annie's dog is unhappy. When Fang is unhappy, everyone is unhappy. Especially Nate the Great. So Nate agrees to sniff out Fang's mysteriously missing Christmas mail. It's cold and snowy. But Nate the Great and his dog, Sludge, will try to solve this holiday case in time for Fang to have a crunchy, munchy Christmas.

From the Trade Paperback edition.

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
The Missing Christmas Card
By Mark Baker - Carstairs Considers
It is one week before Christmas, and Nate the Great is shoveling his walk. However, he’s about to get a new client when Annie and her dog Fang show up. Fang always gets a Christmas card from his mother, but this year it hasn’t arrived. While Nate and Fang don’t exactly get along (Nate would rather shovel the walk), he reluctantly begins to search for the missing card. What clues can he find?

Somehow, I’ve never read this particular book over the years, and I found it to be fun. Once again, the clues are there, so it is rather obvious when Nate solves it how he did even though I didn’t figure it out early myself. But there is fun to be had along the way with Annie, Fang, and Rosamand and her cats (if not Oliver who is absent from this book).

If you are looking for a Christmas mystery for your young kid, this is definitely the picture book for you. You’ll both enjoy seeing just what became of the card.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Nate The Great
By AM4
All Nate The Great books are wonderful!
Easy reading for new or young readers. Boys seem to enjoy all the books.
Short and to the point....enjoyable.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Perfect book for 1st grade boy
By Leslie C. Long
The Nate the Great series are perfect books for 1st grade boys (and girls...) They are not too long but they also do not have too many pictures. It would be good for girls, too. It's somewhat gender-neutral. It can be read in one sitting (about 15 - 30 minutes depending on how well your 1st grader is reading.) It does not have chapters, however. Because if this, it's tough to find a good place to "stop."

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Rabu, 16 November 2011

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Ga Houses Special 03: Masterpieces 2001-2015, by edited

Featuring: Glenn Murcutt, Georg Driendl, Osamu Ishiyama, Jun Aoki, Masaki Endoh + Masahiro Ikeda, Sean Godsell, Akira Yoneda + Masahiro Ikeda, Ryoji Suzuki, Peter Stutchbury, Kei'ichi Irie + Masahiro Ikeda, Steven Ehrlich, Kazuyo Sejima, Katsufumi Kubota, Will Bruder, Steven Holl, Alberto Kalach, Hiroyuki Arima, Steven Holl, Ávaro Siza, Blank Studio, Ryue Nishizawa, Sou Fujimoto, Hiroshi Sambuichi, Kengo Kuma, Will Bruder, Terunobu Fujimori + Keiichi Kawakami, Antón García-Abril, Tadao Ando, Sou Fujimoto.

  • Sales Rank: #540963 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-11-25
  • Original language: English, Japanese
  • Dimensions: 11.77" h x 1.06" w x 9.06" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 296 pages

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Minggu, 13 November 2011

[Z963.Ebook] PDF Download A World History of Architecture, by Michael Fazio, Marian Moffett, Lawrence Wodehouse

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A World History of Architecture, by Michael Fazio, Marian Moffett, Lawrence Wodehouse

A World History of Architecture, by Michael Fazio, Marian Moffett, Lawrence Wodehouse

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A World History of Architecture, by Michael Fazio, Marian Moffett, Lawrence Wodehouse

A magnificently illustrated guide to the global history of architecture―updated to include the non-western world and works from women

The Second Edition of this historical architectural guide gives you a deeper knowledge and wider perspective of traditions in architecture throughout the world―from prehistoric through modern structures. Extensively and beautifully illustrated, the book includes photos, plans, scales for world-famous structures such as the Parthenon, Versailles, the Brooklyn Bridge, and many others.

  • Sales Rank: #126695 in Books
  • Published on: 2008-02-25
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 11.80" h x 1.80" w x 9.20" l, 6.43 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 608 pages

About the Author
Michael Fazio is emeritus professor of architecture at Mississippi State University. He is the author of The Domestic Architecture of Benjamin Henry Latrobe.

Marian Moffett taught architectural history at the University of Tennessee. Her publications include A History of Western Architecture, and East Tennessee Cantilever Barns.

Lawrence Wodehouse taught architectural history at the University of Dundee and various American universities.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Poor advertisement
By erik
The book received does not resemble what the image advertised and the condition is ratty at best.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
good history learned
By Amber Shen
Text book, good history learned

13 of 13 people found the following review helpful.
best comprehensive history of Western architecture by academics
By Jeffrey L. Blackwell
For its type & audience, this is the most comprehensive of the academic histories of World architecture (with a Western emphasis). It has the same limitations as nearly all academic texts in this field, focusing unquestioningly upon traditional periods of style and almost no background regarding the political & technical changes that produce new paradigms in building technique & architectural form.

To the authors' credit, with so much to cover in one volume, their selections were superb. Here are a few critical comments (intended constructively) regarding a text that is overall superbly concise. I feel they over-represent medieval architecture at the expense of Islamic architecture ( Arab,Persian, & Mongol). Also, the 1st & 2nd Industrial Revolutions should be emphasized after 1850.

1) 12th-13th century is all Western / European medieval. Probably state-of-the art architecture of this era was Islamic -- we know that Islamic empires and Monguls were conquering much of Asia during these centuries.

2) Any history of architecture over 2000 years should include at least 3 factors which foment innovations in building techs: catastrophe (Great Fire of London, Great Chicago Fire,), environmental challenges (Venice on a lagoon, St Petersburg on a swamp), War & conquest (Hellenism & Alexander, Islamic empires after 800 ad, post-WWII rebuilding of Europe)

3) How can you discuss medieval manors & castles but not discuss the 17th / 18th century mercantile plantations of the Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish and British empires?

4)The effects of the first and second Industrial Revolutions upon architecture should be the FOCUS of 19th century and early 20th century architectural history.

5)In terms of 20th century architecture, you cannot evaluate skyscrapers without first understanding the infrastructure that made vertical building possible: elevators, fire protection, steel frames, electrical power, cheap floated glass, etc.

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